
As computers are increasingly becomes indispensable part of our live, the security of computers also becomes tantamountly more important. The root of computer insecurity most likely can be traced back to human being. Computers were invented as tools to help our tasks, and hence the main concern was on their functionalities. System’s behavior outside the original intentions tends to be ignored. However as the number of computers grow, some people started to discover that there are ways to use computers for other than their original purpose. These mostly unwanted extra features that can harm other users are the vulnerabilities.

Vulnerabilities could be originated from as early as the system design stage up to the operational stage. Across the board, usually human is still the weakest element in this overly complex integration. Therefore ergonomic or user friendly security must always be practiced as well education and awareness that this new cyber space is not completely harmless just like the already wellknown socio-physical space.

Cyber security is still in its infancy. New attacks are introduced every day, and each new technology also creates new vulnerabilities. Skilled workers in this field is still far behind the demand.

A new strategy is required to face this challenge.


CCSC views cybersecurity as a socio-technical problem that needs to be approached from multiple perspectives based on multiple disciplines. The center seeks collaborations with government and industry including but not limited to technology transfer, deployment of research projects into organizations and/or technologies, education, etc. We position our self as one of the hubs where ideas can be grown and shared to solve cybersecurity challenging problems in Indonesia as well as the world.


Promote research & education to solve cybersecurity problems through multidisciplinary and integrative research initiatives. We are committed to developing cybersecurity knowledge and strive for cutting-edge cybersecurity advancements both in practice and policy.

Our aims are to develop innovative approaches that determine the general underlined principles, to design defensive methods applicable to real-world settings, and to enhance cybersecurity education.